Your local charity in your local community

Friendship Group

Come along to our Friendship Group for a chat and hot refreshements every Wednesday. Open 11am - 1pm

Little Green Dragons

We have places available including 15 and 30 hour fully funded places

Walsall Energy Action Project

Need help or advice with your energy - pop in and speak to our Energy & Climate Advice Officer

Walsall Connected

BCA are a Walsall Connected partner and can help you access Council services online.

Activities Timetable

Get active, learn new skills, get support and meet other people. See what's on offer...

Rooms for Hire

We have rooms of different sizes available for hire. Whatever your occasion, we have a room for you.

Free Health Check

Take a free 4 minute health check on our new, state of the art, monitoring machine


children and young people



Theatre & Performance


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